Anti Aging Tips and Tricks

November 19, 2007

Add a calcium supplement or be sure to get enough calcium through your diet. For women over age 50 and men over 65, take a total of 1,500 milligrams per day (1,000 milligrams a day for med aged 60 to 65). Be sure and take calcium in divided doses so that it is fully absorbed.
Buy a product that has equal percentages of the daily value for copper and zinc.
Choose a multivitamin that contains little or no iron.
Take your multivitamin and antioxidant supplements with meals or low-fat snacks to get the full benefit of fat and water soluble vitamins.
Buy dairy products that are fortified with vitamin D.
Do not take doses larger than those recommended by experts or without approval from your doctor.
Don’t increase your consumption of supplements without checking with your doctor first, especially if you are on other medications.
Towel-dry your face – This helps remove heaped-up dead cells and allows healthy young cells to reach the surface. Towel upward, against the pull of gravity. Be brisk but gentle; the towel will do a great job with almost no pressure. Your face may glow briefly from the exfoliation, but don’t worry, you’re helping your skin, not hurting it.
Many of the ways we age are determined by genetics, but researchers now know that lifestyle choices, for example, what you eat, how you exercise, whether you’re able to relax, can help minimize these effects on the brain.
While a poor diet can have detrimental effects on memory, a healthful one can certainly be of benefit to the brain, in other words eating healthy certainly won’t hurt.
While creams, serums and supplements promise to erase wrinkles, lighten age spots, and sooth age-related dryness, experts say the simplest (and least expensive) way to keep your skin healthy and younger looking is to stay out of the sun.
Antioxidant rich foods, such as colorful vegetables and berries, have been shown to help protect against sun damage at the cellular level and can slow the aging of cells.
An active lifestyle can help you maintain strength, flexibility, endurance and balance and let you age gracefully. Filling up on so-called “empty calories” like refined carbohydrates taxes your body’s systems and actually saps your energy reserves.
Time and again, research shows that people who smoke tend to have more wrinkles than non-smokers of the same age, complexion and history of sun exposure. This may be because the chemicals or carcinigens in cigarettes play a role in damaging the elastin in our skin.

Add More Fruits and Vegetables

November 19, 2007

We all know that fruits and vegetables are good for us. Yet most of us don’t make the effort to eat them as much as we should. Many of us are aware that fruits and vegetables can help prevent chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer, as well as aid in weight loss, but surveys have shown that 78% of Americans do not even eat five servings per day, the amount recommended by the FDA.

When we look at our culture, it doesn’t come as much of a surprise to learn that the two most commonly consumed fruits and/or vegetables are French fries and ketchup. These foods are easily accessible, and some might say cheap. It seems that although we know what is good for us, we do not always do what is right.

It is not unrealistic, or difficult, to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. It may actually surprise you to learn what counts as a single serving. Here are just a few examples:

* One small wedge of watermelon
* 12 baby carrots
* 8 large strawberries
* 1 large banana
* 2 large stalks of celery

An easy way to add more fruits and vegetables is to add them to things we are already eating. Think about adding strawberries or blueberries to your waffles or pancakes, or add spinach, broccoli or mushrooms to your egg or egg white omelet. Use vegetables as a topping on pizza; add lettuce, tomato and onion to your sandwich. For a snack, toast whole grain bread with peanut butter and add banana slices. And always try eating at least two vegetables with dinner.

These simple steps will easily and quickly help you reach your five recommended servings.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Diet During Holidays

November 19, 2007

If you’re like me or many others, perhaps you also have problem in maintaining a healthy diet during the holiday season. I know many people do fasting the week before Thanksgiving Day so that they don’t feel guilty when sitting down and enjoying the feast during this holiday. This has sometimes been the norm rather than the exception.

If you have an all year long diet that you want to maintain, here are some tips for sticking to it without having to fast or worry about gaining the extra pounds.

Before you start the holiday feast with your families or friends, drink a few glasses of water and have some protein snacks. This will help to alleviate the need to begin nibbling before the feast commences. You can apply this tactic everytime when you are invited to a party or gathering.

Prepare a vegetable tray for guests with a low fat dip. If you have been invited to someone’s home, bring a vegetable tray as well. It is not only healthy but is a wonderful alternative for others who may be dieting as well.

Check out some recipes online that can be incorporated in preparing holiday meals and which offer substitutes for high-fat content. In addition, instead of the array of desserts traditionally served every year, why not make an angel food cake and top it with berries and low fat whipped cream.

Serve vegetables along with the Thanksgiving turkey. This is not only a healthy alternative to stuffing but can be served in many different ways. If serving a salad, use low fat dressing. A delicious homemade vegetable soup can be prepared as a second course instead of pasta.

There are so many different ways in which to use alternative or healthy foods during the holidays, yet still enjoy every morsel. Moreover, portion control is the key to maintaining any diet. We all know that holiday fare consists of many courses. Take a walk with family members or friends in between courses. If the weather permits, play a game in the backyard. Just remember to always substitute foods high in fat with recipes that are just as pleasing to the eye and taste as the traditional foods offered during the holiday season.

These are just some tips to help you maintain a healthy diet and enjoy the holidays at the same time.

For more information on maintaining a healthy diet, check out this book: “The Negative Calorie Diet“.

Brain Food For Better Productivity In The Afternoon

November 19, 2007

If you were like many people you hit an afternoon slump. Concentration wanes and productivity drops severely. For many people this is a significant told on their business productivity. There’s a simple relatively easy way to avoid this energy drain. Try feeding your brain instead of your mouth. Coffee, sodas and energy drinks just don’t have the same affect that super nutrition can give you. You want a very productive afternoon that doesn’t dehydrate you or give you the jitters.

Concentrated nutrition can improve your concentration.

Best way to teach our brain and your body is of super green Foods. Super green energy powder drinks are concentrated form of nutrition. They come from a mixture of plant materials naturally packed with nutrients. One of the main ingredients is a blue green LG called spirulina. Spirulina is a microscopic alga that contains literally all of the nutrients the human body can use. It is packed with an amazing variety of nutrients.

Your brain need specific food to function properly and a super green food can give you all the nutrients you need to blast through your day at full speed.

Your brain and your body need a lot of vitamins, especially vitamin B, and amino acids in order to function at full capacity. Many people feel a slump after lunch because their body is trying to process carbohydrates, fats and sugars. Instead of getting that boost you need to make the best of your day your body is busy trying to absorb the flood of glucose you had for lunch. This leads to a quick up in a very hard crash. Keeping your blood sugar level balanced is important if you plan to stay awake and alert to two finish your day.

Give your brain the food it needs.

The next time you want to grab another cop of coffee, soft drink, candy bar or so called energy drink, try making a super green shot. Supergreen food delivers its nutrition in a concentrated completely bio available way. This means your body warm can absorb and digest the nutrition immediately and easily. A super green Food shot is simply a couple of juice with a tablespoon of super green energy powder. Add a cube of ice and shake to stir. Drink this down and follow with a glass of water.

Water is another important factor in brain food and productivity. Many people think that just speak all as they drink a soda or coffee that there’s staying hydrated. Not true. Your body needs fresh filtered clean water every day. There is no other substitute for drinking water. Every system in your body works in a water medium including your brain. Your brain especially needs water to send the signals from your brain to the rest of your body. One of the first symptoms of dehydration is mental confusion and sleepiness.

Keep your brain hydrated.

The next time you start to lose concentration and focus try drinking a glass of water. Keep yourself hydrated all day long. Start your morning all of the day glass of water before coffee. Don’t wait to get thirsty before you try drinking a glass of water, by the time you feel it your body is already becoming dehydrated.

People are working longer hours, and on the go more than ever. Sometimes life is so hectic it feels like you’re on a hamster wheel and you can’t get off. Give yourself the energy you need to have the life you want. Make sure you have enough energy to spend quality time with your family when you get home. Be super productive at work so that you can achieve your career goals without sacrificing your health.

Super green food powder can be a real lifesaver when it comes to nourishing and supporting your body’s needs. Take the two week test; try using a supergreen food energy drink every day for two weeks. Add three glasses of fresh clear drinking water to your daily routine. You will find, like so many others, that your concentration, mental clarity, energy level and ability to focus can dramatically improve with just these two simple changes.

Green is good for snacking.

There are many super green food products available. My favorite way to take super green is in powder form. Mix it in a strong tasting juice to make it more palatable. This powdered version mixture really packs a punch. One of the things I really like about it is that I can always feel of physical boost after use it. It is also a great value, since they include nearly a third more product in their containers than the competition.

Feed your brain and your body and watch your productivity and concentration grow. Your coworkers will wonder how you do it, your boss will wonder how much of a raise to give you and your family will thank you when you no longer come home dog tired and irritable. Modern life can be hectic. You deserve to have the nutrition and the energy you need to excel in all areas of your life. There’s a reason they call it a super green food and that is because super green powders can make you feel super too.

Reasons Why Tomatoes are a “must” Food for your Heart

November 19, 2007

The traditional Mediterranean diet, rich in tomatoes, tomato products, and other carotenoids has been associated with a lower incidence of chronic diseases, including heart disease. Recent scientific studies have shown that people who eat regularly tomatoes and tomato products are less likely to suffer from heart attacks than those who don’t make tomatoes part of their diets.

Tomatoes and the arteries
Tomatoes are crucial in the fight against heart disease because they contain lycopene. Lycopene has been identified as the responsible substance for the antioxidant effects of tomatoes in many studies; recent research suggests that consumption of tomato products prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, the “bad” guy. Oxidized cholesterol is considered the primary initial step leading to the formation of plaque in the arteries and consequently to heart attacks.

What is lycopene?
Lycopene is the red pigment found in several fruits and vegetables such as guava, rosehips, watermelon, pink grapefruit, and red chilies, but it mainly comes from tomatoes and tomato products. As a powerful antioxidant, lycopene prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol caused by free radicals. Free radicals are highly unstable and destructive molecules that subject our cells to oxidative stress, continuous damage that eventually kills the cells. When radicals kill or damage enough cells in an organism, the organism ages and eventually dies. In a study to investigate the effects of tomato lycopene on the oxidation of cholesterol, Agarwal and colleagues provided the participants one-to-two servings per day of tomato juice, spaghetti sauce, and concentrated lycopene for one week. The study showed an important reduction of oxidized LDL cholesterol.
Lycopene can also reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. For three months, 60 men were fed 60 milligrams of lycopene per day—the equivalent found in 1 kilo of tomatoes. At the end of the treatment period, the results showed a 14 percent reduction in LDL cholesterol in the blood.

Absorption of lycopene
An important consideration in studying lycopene is its absorption by our cells. Our tissues have to gulp lycopene from the food we eat and get it inside our cells before they can put it to some use. Research has shown that the level of lycopene found in our organs’ tissues is a better indicator of disease prevention than the amount of lycopene we eat. Individuals who have a high concentration of lycopene in their tissues have a lower risk of heart attacks than those who have a low level. In a two-week study conducted by Micozzi, the subjects followed a diet that did not contain lycopene. By the end of the second week, the level of lycopene in the blood of these individuals had decreased by 50 percent and the cholesterol oxidation had increased by 25 percent.
Research has also shown that lycopene is better absorbed when the meal includes some fat.

How to increase absorption of lycopene
Lycopene appears more readily in the blood if the meal includes a source of fat or if the tomatoes have been heated, as in the case of tomato sauce and tomato paste. Heat changes the chemical structure of lycopene and makes it ready for our cells to swallow it up. Once inside the cells, it is deposited in all our organs. A study published in 1998 showed that our cells absorb lycopene better from processed tomato products than from fresh tomatoes.
To increase the level of lycopene in your body tissues you can do several things:
• Process the tomatoes with heat. An example would be tomato sauce, tomato paste, or tomato soup.
• Eat fresh tomatoes with fats such as olive oil.
• Eat products that contain lycopene with other food antioxidants. An example would be eating tomatoes with other vegetables such as in salads or eating a piece of fruit for dessert. Use olive oil and lemon juice as dressing, and you will have the perfect combination of lycopene and antioxidants.
In a study conducted by Tyssandier and colleagues, the subjects were supplemented with 96 grams of tomato puree per day for three months. The volunteers then avoided foods rich in tomatoes for the next three weeks. The results showed that including tomato puree in a regular diet significantly increased blood lycopene, beta-carotene, and lutein. Avoiding tomato products for three weeks decreased the level of all antioxidants as well as the total antioxidant capacity of the blood.

Ways to Include More Tomatoes in Your Meals
• Make it a point to always have tomatoes at home. Bright red, ripe tomatoes have more lycopene than green or yellow.
• Always include tomatoes in your salads. Use olive oil and lemon or vinegar as dressing.
• Eat pasta with tomato sauce.
• Add some tomato slices to your sandwich.
• Rub half a tomato on the bread you eat with your meal.
• Always keep canned tomatoes—“no salt added”—on hand. They are very handy when you are in a hurry and need them for soups or sauces. One of my favorite brands is Muir Glen Organic— “no salt added,” of course.
• Whenever possible, visit your local farmers’ market and look for locally grown tomatoes.

Is pizza a good combination of tomato and fat?
Although pizza is not the ideal combination of fat and lycopene because the fat in cheese is mainly saturated, the wrong type for our arteries, you can eat pizza in moderation. Ask the waiter or cook to go easy on the cheese and hold the pepperoni and ham.

About the Author:
Emilia Klapp is a Registered Dietitian. With her new book, “Your Heart Needs the Mediterranean Diet”, Emilia Klapp has helped many people just like you reduce the risk of heart disease and lose weight at the same time. For more information on the book and to receive a free especial report on the “Top 10 Mediterranean Curative Ingredients” go to:

Hot Chocolate Is A Tasty Way To Boost Your Immune System

November 19, 2007

Now you can satisfy your chocolate cravings without a shred of guilt!
Are you one of the millions of people who crave chocolate? That is OK because cocoa is actually very good for you. Hot Cocoa made with pure cocoa powder contains more antioxidants than green tea or wine. Now there are all organic hot cocoa products that are naturally healthy with the addition of herbal infusions that boost immune response and physical performance.

Several health focused companies have added the immune boosting properties of Cordyceps and Ganoderma to their hot cocoa products. These Chinese herbs have long been known to boost physical performance and immune system response. People are clamoring for this healthy hot chocolate alternative.

Now drinking hot chocolate can help you fight off colds and flu. Now you can enjoy a chocolate hot cocoa that is healthy as it possibly can be. When cocoa is infused with these medicinal herbs you are getting a rich chocolate drink that releases these extra health benefits when you heat the chocolate. Best of all, all you taste is rich creamy delicious gourmet hot cocoa.

Cordyceps has been used for treating many disorders including: chronic respiratory disorders like asthma, chronic bronchitis, chronic fatigue, chronic renal failure, decreased libido, diabetes, emphysema, heart disease, hepatitis B and respiratory symptoms. Some folks remember how the Chinese olympic athletes of 1999 used cordyceps to help them win many metals. Cordyceps has been proven to enhance athletic performance because it helps increase blood flow and oxygen supplies throughout the body. This includes blood flow to your brain as well.

The herb ganoderma will assit in helping your body cleanse itself from a variety of toxins as it naturally strengthens your immune system. It helps with liver detoxification, and also improves liver function by stimulating the regeneration of liver cells. Ganoderma has been proven to regulate the immune and endocrine systems, prevent tumors, improve circulation and eliminate harmful free radicals. These miraculous herbs are now infused with pure cocoa for a hot cocoa beverage that tastes rich and creamy while it enhances your immune system.

It is official! Chocolate is now a health food!

Good cocoa bean chocolate is a highly complex food that is really very good for you. Chocolate has gotten a bad reputation because people over eat poor quality chocolate products that are filled with sugar and cheap saturated fats. The myth that cocoa, leads to obesity, tooth decay and skin problems simply is not true.

Recently, new studies have proven that cocoa is higher in antioxidants than green tea or wine and can be helpful in lowering cholesterol levels, boosting blood flow as well as reducing hypertension. Unsweetened pure cocoa powder is also rich in minerals. When it is sweetened naturally with something like rapedura, a natural sugar cane sweetener, it becomes a powerful nutritional resource.

Do your vitamins taste like chocolate?

A recent study by Norman Hollenberg, professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School indicated cearly that natural cocoa has very high levels of epicatechin. The health benefits of epicatechin, a compound found in cocoa, are so powerful that it may rival penicillin and anesthesia in terms of importance to public health. Dr. Hollenberg stated that epicatechin is so important that it should be considered a vitamin.

Many commercial chocolates go through a process called dutching. This involves soaking the nib or the cocoa mass in potassium or sodium carbonate. Commercial chocolate companies also remove the flavanols like epicatechin from their cocoa because of their bitter taste. Next they add loads of processed sugars, preservatives and other fillers often reducing the actual cocoa content to less than 15 per cent per cocoa drink mix.

Are you drinking hot sugar water?

This means when you purchase those handy hot chocolate packets you are really drinking mostly hot sugar with artificial chocolate flavor. No wonder chocolate has gotten such a bad reputation for being unhealthy. It is not the cocoa that is unhealthy; it is the added chemicals, milk solids and sugar that has made chocolate a bad food. In reality, naturally sweetened, pure organic cocoa is a great addition to your daily diet. Look for a hot cocoa that uses a high percentage of cocoa powder and also adds cordyceps and ganoderma for boosting your immune system.

Are you Trying to Loss Weight?

November 19, 2007

Weight loss, in the context of medicine or health or physical fitness, is a reduction of the total body weight, due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue and/or lean mass, namely bone mineral deposits, muscle, tendon and other connective tissue.

There are two ways to loss weight: intentionally or unintentionally
Intentional weight loss:

Therapeutic weight loss, in individuals who are overweight, can decrease the likelihood of developing diseases such as diabetes [3]. Overweight and obese individuals face a greater risk of health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, osteoarthritis [4] and certain types of cancer. For healthy weight loss, a physician should be consulted to develop a weight loss plan that is tailored to the individual.

Weight Loss occurs when an individual is in a state of negative energy balance. When the human body is spending more energy in work and heat than it is gaining from food or other nutritional supplements, it will catabolise stored reserves of fat or muscle.
Unintentional weight loss:

A significant loss of total body weight is a serious, chronic illness. Substantial, unintentional weight loss is a symptom of acute or chronic illness, especially if other evidence is present.

Weight loss, for example, accompanied by insatiable thirst and hunger and fatigue may indicate diabetes mellitus, a chronic disease characterized by an abnormal accumulation of carbohydrates in the bloodstream due to insufficient production of insulin, a hormone produced in the pancreas that, when secreted into the bloodstream, permits cellular metabolism and utilization of glucose.

Solutions to loss weight:

Nowadays you can find in the market many medicines to help you in your process of losing weight, but you need to know what is the best medicine for you, according to your metabolism.

First of all, you need to do a lot of exercise to accelerate your metabolism. It’s better if you do cardiovascular exercise, because this kind of exercise helps you burn fat. With a good exercise routine you should also have good eating habits, combining fats and sweets with fruits and vegetables. It will be better if you drink at least eight glasses of water daily to control your calories and your cholesterol.

The most recommended pills to loss weight are: Xenical. Those pills give you excellent results if you use them in the correct way.

Xenical has many components which help you to control your weight.

Women Can Get Great Benefits From Whey Protein

November 19, 2007

Are you concerned about taking care of your body before and after strenuous activities or workouts? Do you try to avoid supplements that contain additives and possible side effects? I am very particular about what I am putting into my body at all times. I hate the idea of eating or taking something that I am not sure about what it is suppose to do or what side effects may be caused.

If you are interested in better health and improved physical fitness you have surely heard that bodybuilders and other athletes are turning to a simple, natural supplement called whey protein. Whey is the only supplement I take besides my daily multivitamin that I feel safe taking. So lets cover a few questions or concerns many women have about taking protein.


Protein levels are depleted through exercise. Muscles require amino acids to prevent deterioration, give endurance and build mass. Proteins supply these amino acids to the muscles which is why athletes use whey protein. If you want to gain muscle you have to make sure you have the building blocks for it. Women need protein the same ways that men do so do not be afraid of it.


Commercial whey protein comes from cow’s milk. Whey is the by-product of making cheese and was usually thrown away as a waste product. Now researchers know that whey protein is high quality, natural protein that is rich with amino acids essential for good health and muscle building. It is naturally found in mother’s milk and also used in baby formula. It is being considered for use as a fortifier of grain products because of its considerable health benefits and bland flavor.

Although protein is also found in other foods such as meat, soy and vegetables, whey protein is proven to have the highest absorption (digestion) levels in comparison to all others.


Whey protein has many health benefits including immune support, bone health, sports health, weight management and overall well being. And as women, we need all the help we can get to keep out bones strong and supportive. Plus overall health is not a bad thing either. The better nutrition you have in your life the less likely that the flu or other bugs will come knocking on your door.

Because amino acids are ‘building blocks’ for the human body it is sometimes used by patients to speed up the healing of wounds or burns.

The high quality protein that comes from whey makes it a recommended choice for those who need optimal benefits from restricted diets including diabetics, those on weight management diets and even ill patients not able to consume enough protein in their diet to assist with healing.


Whey protein is a food and so it does not have have the risks associated with other supplements. That said, too much of anything carries risks. Extremely high use of whey protein can overload the liver which can cause serious problems. Moderation is always recommended.

If you are lactose intolerant you might try whey protein isolate which has less than 1% lactose and should be tolerable for most users.

Whey protein is a natural and healthy way to bring protein into your diet and increase well being.


No, women lack the hormones that men have that allow them to get those large bulky muscles. Women will get an overall toned appearance without looking like the Hulk. Those women you see in body building competitions more often than not achieve their unusual frame by injecting additional hormones or supplements into their body. But no, with the use of whey you will not look like these women.


If you buy the powder you will be able to do a lot more than just simple shakes. But for shakes be create.
Mix the whey with milk and maybe add some strawberries or blueberries to make the best shakes around!
When you bake cookies scoop some whey in for a power cookie
If you drink coffee but some chocolate whey in to make a great mocha

The possibilities are endless, get your creative juices going!

Why Eating Out Is So Bad For Your Health

November 19, 2007

Eating out is a fun way to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion. However, eating out should not be a part of your regular diet. If you are attempting to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is almost impossible to do so if you are eating out on a regular basis.

Appetizers and rolls are the first reason why eating out is bad for your health. When you cook at home, you usually do not prepare additional appetizers to eat before the main course because it is more work, but waiters at a restaurant push the appetizers, which can easily add an additional 500+ calories to your meal depending on what you order and how much you eat, just so that they can cushion their tip and make the restaurant more money. Restaurants also provide free rolls with butter. Eating two rolls can add another 300 calories to your meal.

A seemingly healthy salad is the next disastrous course when eating out. A salad by itself is healthy, but many restaurants will add croutons, bacon bits, cheese, and fatty dressings to the lettuce and a couple other vegetables. The result is enough fat to fulfill your fat content for the entire day. If you’re going to indulge in a salad, avoid the croutons altogether and opt for apple cider or balsamic vinegar or oil and vinigrette.

Between the appetizer, rolls, salad, and first round of drinks most people have already consumed more than they ever would by cooking a meal at home. The problem is that all of these items are pushed by the waiter or their eating companions, making it even more difficult for someone struggling with their diet to say no.

The main course finally comes and you thought you ordered something healthy, fish, and steamed veggies, but what they don’t mention on the menu is that vegetables are almost always soaked in butter and the fish is covered with a high calorie sauce to disguise the fact that it has been overcooked.

The problem with eating out is that everything is so readily available with no work on your part. If given the choice most people don’t want to spend the time to prepare a five course meal at home, this is reserved for holidays like Thanksgiving, but when presented with the opportunity for that five course meal without having to do any of the work involved it makes it all too easy for people to say yes.

You finish your meal and the waiter comes over and makes a point of asking if you’d like dessert. Then the waiter will chatter on about all of the desserts available, you think that if you split the dessert with someone else at the table it will keep you from consuming too many calories. The problem is that you have already consumed too many calories before the dessert menu has even been presented. Also, even if you do split a desert you can easily be consuming another 500 calories.

When all is said and done, your one meal out most likely contains more calories than you should be consuming in an entire day. It is best not to test your will power when it comes to your diet. The next time someone suggests eating out, quickly think of a delicious meal that can be cooked at home for a fraction of the calories. This will give you control over how your food is prepared, not to mention that eating at home will also save you hundreds of dollars per month.

If time constraints is the main reason why you like to eat out instead of in, you can plan and cook meals on a Sunday afternoon that will last you the entire week. Simply cook and freeze. When you are ready to eat, take your home cooked meal out of the freezer and reheat either over the stove or in the microwave. In five minutes you can have a healthy and filling meal for your entire family. And if you would rather not spend your Sunday afternoon in the kitchen all day, there are plenty of 5, 10 and 15 minute meal cookbooks, that will offer you quick and easy dining solutions